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Edinburgh PAT Test


Updated: Apr 14, 2019

Lothian PAT Testing Scotland have just PAT Tested accommodation in Edinburgh. This was a small B&B in the Corstorphine area of Edinburgh. On average around 5 appliances per room were PAT tested such as TV, lamps, Kettle, Iron and hair dryer all with the potential of experiencing damage or neglect therefore imperative they are visually checked as a minimum. It's amazing how many lamps are fitted with the wrong fuses when performing Edinburgh PAT testing to B&Bs, Hotels or Landlord properties so opening that plug up is a must when checking each appliance. One of the highest risk areas in my opinion is the kitchen or catering area as these areas have some large powerful appliances therefore checking each appliances has the correct earth continuity and insulation is a must when carrying out PAT testing. As there is a lot of heat used in a kitchen we often find cables with heat damages or appliances that are partially melted.

If you are a landlord, B&B or hotel owner looking for PAT testing in Edinburgh give us a call on 07570 080429 or email We will beat any like for like quote for PAT testing in Edinburgh or surrounding areas.

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